The E3 School
A model for early learning.
A catalyst for change in Virginia.

The New E3 School
In 2014, Jane Batten and Lisa Howard co-founded the school located in the Park Place neighborhood of Norfolk, Virginia. It is an innovative, state-of-the-art, mixed-income model for children ages one to five.
E3 set out to create a prototype model that gives more children access to quality and proves that when all children have access, regardless of their zip code, they enter kindergarten with the academic and social skills they need to thrive. We have proven that year after year.
The school is a catalyst for policy change and a “show and tell” model for the state that has led to policy change and historic state investment. E3’s awareness, advocacy and policy work increased access, improved quality and supported families, teachers and programs across Virginia.
A statewide curriculum model for early learning
Innovation + Impact @ The E3 School
Our Impact
Our teachers are engaged in high-quality interactions with children.
The quality is consistent and strong in all classrooms.
CLASS® scores exceeded those from other Virginia classrooms observed in 2023-2024.
Most children are meeting or exceeding expected development in early language and literacy.
Most children are meeting or exceeding expected development in math, self-regulation, and social skills.