Dear Friends,
There is a reading crisis. Too many of our children are struggling when they enter kindergarten. In fact, OVER 21,000 kindergarteners are at risk of reading failure. The reading gaps are widening. There are more children in K-2 at HIGH risk of reading failure.
That is why we applaud the bipartisan effort of two Republicans in the House of Delegates and two Democrats in the state Senate who have joined forces to strengthen and improve the way Virginia teaches children to read and develop literacy skills that will last a lifetime.
We are 100% behind the VA Literacy Act – Delegate Coyner’s Bill (HB 319) and Senator Lucas’ Bill (SB 616). Their bills will tackle the problem in kindergarten through third grade. Read the Richmond Times-Dispatch Op-ed by Delegates Carrie Coyner and Glenn Davis & Senators Louise Lucas and Jennifer McClellan. Many more delegates and senators have signed on as co-patrons of the Virginia Literacy Act.
Join us in supporting the Virginia Literacy Act. Tell your legislator that children matter to you. We must take action to help our children get back on track.
More to come!