Want the scoop on education in America? Here it is:
Our children are not reading at grade level.
In a recent report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, one out of three students scored “below basic” on the 2009 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Reading Test.
In Virginia, 61% of fourth graders score below proficient reading levels.
Compared to other countries, our students are falling behind and missing the mark.
In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, we need our students to excel in both math and science to stay competitive as engineers, scientists, physicians, and creative entrepreneurs. Yet, as you can see above, we are falling behind…way behind. In an assessment by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, our 15-year-olds placed 25th out of 30 countries in math performance.
We can’t keep doing business as usual in Virginia and expecting different results. Now is the time to transform the way we are educating our kids.
Images and content for this post was taken from StudentsFirst, a movement to transform public education. Learn more here.