The conversations, social media and constant chatter by the news media may worry our children. It is important that we are careful about what we say around them. They will start to worry about the health and safety of their mother, father, grandparents, teachers, friends and other special people in their lives.
What can we do? We can speak calmly, honestly, accurately and try to reduce their anxiety and fear.
- Remain calm and reassure them.
- Make time to talk and listen. Let them ask you questions. It is perfectly fine to acknowledge that there is a lot we do not know about the virus.
- Remind them that anyone can get sick, regardless of their age, race or ethnicity.
- Limit what children see and hear on tv, radio, podcasts or online.
- Remind them that not everything you read or hear is true. We need to rely on facts from the experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and public health experts. Some of the information on the internet or social media is false.
- Teach them proper hygiene.
- Explain why they need to protect themselves and why classes, schools and activities are cancelled. We are trying to limit the spread of germs and stay healthy.
How do we explain the COVID-19?
- Be honest that we are still learning about it. Our doctors and scientists are working hard to help us.
- It is a virus that has made a lot of people sick in our country and other countries.
- Scientists and doctors think most people will remain healthy, but some may get sick.
How Can WE all stay healthy @ home, school or play?
- Wash your hands A LOT for 20 seconds or more. Make lots of bubbles, scrub and rub hands together, rinse and dry.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue and throw it away. If you don’t have a tissue, use your elbow.
- Keep your hands out of your mouth, nose and eyes to keep germs out of your body.
- Use sanitizer with an adult if you cannot wash your hands.
- Keep everything clean (remote controls, keyboards, mouses, phones, doorknobs, light switches, desks, counters, etc).
- STAY HOME if you feel sick!!!
I recommend only relying on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other trusted sources that focus on facts not fiction. Too much information can cause all of us to feel anxious and fearful. Our children pick up on those cues from the adults around them.
Lisa Howard, President & CEO, E3:Elevate Early Education & The New E3 School