Dear Kids Need to Read Coalition,
Reading scores are slipping across the nation and Virginia. Now more than ever, WE have to pull every lever we can to help our children read by third grade. It is going to take a laser-like focus to solve the reading crisis and secure public-private investment year after year.

We are incredibly thankful for the outpouring of support to increase equitable access to books and expand Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) in communities across Virginia. Almost 3,000 letters were sent to legislators in support of the $4.7m to promote, grow and sustain DPIL, help Local Program Partners and provide access to age-appropriate, quality books for 300,000+ children and families.

It is halftime at the General Assembly and we still have much work to do!
Stay tuned for ways that you can help ensure Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is fully funded and provides statewide access.

We appreciate YOU! Together, we are going to help EVERY child read by third grade.
With Gratitude,
Lisa Howard